Comprehensive Guide to Fish for 20G Nano Reefs: Best Practices, Compatibility, and Feeding Tips


Welcome to the comprehensive guide for selecting fish for your 20G Nano Reef aquarium. In this guide, we will explore the best practices and considerations for maintaining a healthy and vibrant aquatic environment.

Your Responsibility as a Fish Owner

Caring for fish requires dedication and responsibility. It's crucial to ensure that their habitat closely mimics their natural environment. Neglecting these factors can be detrimental to the well-being of your fish.

Essential Considerations

  • Tailor your aquarium setup to accommodate the specific needs of the fish you wish to keep.
  • Plan for the maximum size that the fish will grow to, and ensure the tank size is adequate.
  • Exercise caution when seeking advice from fish stores; ensure the advice aligns with the best practices for fish care.
  • Conduct thorough research before making any decisions related to fish selection and tank management.

How to Use This Guide

Sections Overview

This guide is organized into several sections: feeding tips, fish compatibility, fish suggestions based on tank size, and fish suggestions based on specific groups. These sections are designed to provide comprehensive information to help you make informed decisions about your fish selection.

Important Notes

  • The information provided is based on experience and research. Different opinions may exist, so further research is recommended.
  • This guide is meant to serve as a starting point. It's essential to conduct additional research based on your specific fish choice.
  • Be mindful of the bioload and adjust feeding quantities accordingly to maintain optimal water quality.

Contributing to the Guide

Your experience and knowledge are valuable. Feel free to contribute additional insights or suggest any necessary changes to enhance the guide.

General Feeding Guidelines

Feeding Categories

Feeding preferences can be categorized into five groups: carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, piscivores, and detritivores. It's crucial to understand these distinctions to meet the dietary requirements of your fish effectively.

Key Feeding Tips

  • Introduce a variety of foods to meet the nutritional needs of your fish.
  • Opt for high-quality, nutrient-rich food with low moisture and ash content.
  • Avoid overfeeding to maintain water quality.
  • Implement a feeding schedule that incorporates different types of food to ensure a balanced diet for your fish.

How to Use the Feeding Suggestion Guide

The guide provides feeding recommendations based on specific fish dietary types. Refer to the list of common foods from reputable manufacturers for convenience and variety in your fish's diet.

Recommended Fish Food Brands

Feeding Suggestions by Diet Type

  • Carnivores: 1,3,4,5,6,9,11,14,15,18,19,20,22,24,25,26,30,31
  • Herbivores:
    • Strictly Plant/Algae based: 2,7,10,13,21,27
    • Blends that include Plant/Algae: 1,8,9,12,17,23
  • Omnivores: Vary the diet with a mix of carnivore and herbivore frozen/flake formulas.
  • Piscivores: 19,20,30,31

Feeding Suggestions by Fish Group

Coming soon!

Nano Fish Compatibility

Fish Species Compatible with Not Compatible with Notes
Blue Neon Goby Clown Gobies, Blennies Large Aggressive Fish Ideal for peaceful community tanks.
Ocellaris Clownfish Chromis, Royal Gramma Aggressive or Territorial Fish Pair or small group in larger tanks.
Percula Clownfish Damsels, Firefish Semi-aggressive or Dominant Fish Ideal for peaceful community tanks.
Firefish Goby Dartfish, Cardinalfish Large Predatory Fish Shy and peaceful, avoid aggressive tankmates.
Red/Orange Angler Peaceful Reef Fish Small Shrimp or Invertebrates Needs plenty of hiding spots in the tank.
Wartskin Angler Peaceful Tankmates Small Shrimp or Invertebrates Camouflages well, may eat small tankmates.
Painted frogfish Gobies, Cardinalfish Small Tank Inhabitants Needs ample space and live food.
Firefish, Helfrichi Peaceful Community Fish Aggressive or Large Tankmates Best kept in pairs or small groups.
Elegant firefish Small Peaceful Fish Large Aggressive Fish Peaceful and may be shy in the tank.
Pajama Cardinalfish Peaceful Tankmates Large Aggressive Fish Schools well, avoid aggressive tankmates.
Exquisite Firefish Peaceful Community Fish Aggressive or Large Tankmates Best kept in pairs or small groups.

Note: The compatibility information provided above serves as a general guideline. Actual compatibility may vary based on individual fish behavior and tank dynamics.

Nano Fish Listed by Tank Size

Note: When selecting fish, consider the total volume of the display area in all-in-one tanks, as some water is reserved for filtration purposes.

10G (38 L) Tank

10G (38 L) Tank

15G (56 L) Tank

20G (76 L) Tank

(2 - 3 fish)

Nano Fish Listed by Fish Group

Coming Soon!
