How to Configure Marlin 2.0 for an Ender 3 / Pro and BLTouch

The Template

To start, ensure you have the Marlin firmware with the appropriate template settings for your Ender 3 / Pro with BLTouch.

  1. Download the latest stable release of Marlin from the official Marlin website.
  2. Additionally, download the necessary configuration files from the Marlin GitHub repository.
  3. Once downloaded, extract the zip file to your desired location.
  4. Copy the four files from config/examples/Creality/Ender-3 to the Marlin/ folder, overwriting the existing files if prompted.


Open the newly copied Marlin/Configuration.h file using a suitable code editor, such as Visual Studio Code. Customize your configuration using the following guidelines:

  • Change STRING_CONFIG_H_AUTHOR to a distinct name, clearly differentiating your custom configuration.
  • Disable the SHOW_BOOTSCREEN and SHOW_CUSTOM_BOOTSCREEN by commenting out the lines with //.
  • Adjust the BAUDRATE to match your printer's specifications.
  • Modify the CUSTOM_MACHINE_NAME to reflect your printer model.
  • For BLTouch users:
    • Uncomment #define BLTOUCH.
    • Adjust the NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET based on your setup.
    • Increase PROBING_MARGIN and XY_PROBE_SPEED for efficient probing.
    • Enable bilinear ABL and customize the grid size if necessary.
    • Uncomment #define LCD_BED_LEVELING to add bed leveling menu items.
  • Customize the bed size and travel limits to accommodate any non-standard bed setup.
  • Enable Z_SAFE_HOMING to ensure safe homing operations.


Open the Marlin/Configuration_adv.h file in your preferred text editor and make the following adjustments:

  • Fine-tune the BLTOUCH_DELAY for a more efficient probing process.
  • Adjust BABYSTEP_MULTIPLICATOR_Z and _XY to facilitate precise calibration.
  • Enable LIN_ADVANCE if desired, and set LIN_ADVANCE_K accordingly for improved print quality at higher speeds.
  • Customize the temperature monitoring parameters to suit your operating environment.
  • Adjust other settings as needed based on your specific requirements and hardware setup.

Uploading to the Printer

Before uploading the new firmware, save a copy of your current printer settings using the M503 command.

Open Marlin/Marlin.ino with Visual Studio Code, compile it using PlatformIO, and upload the new firmware to your printer.

After uploading, use M502 to set the firmware with the specified configurations and use M500 to store these settings in the EEPROM.

Depending on your setup, calibrate your Z-Probe Offset, PID for Hotend and Heated Bed, and Linear Advance, or set them to their previously saved values.

Enjoy the enhanced performance and capabilities of your Ender 3 / Pro with the customized Marlin 2.0 firmware and BLTouch integration!